Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Home from Oregon

April and I went to see my parents in Tillamook Oregon last thursday, we left while it was raining and landed with rain, had a day and a half of good weather and returned to rain. Today is overcast, but not wet so I'm gonna try to get some exercise. April leaves again on saturday to see her sister and family in Texas for ten days.
My Mom and I hiking Cape Lookout, this chunk of land juts into the ocean more than 2 miles, in the 50's a military bomber hit the cape.

Looking down from the cape, it was around 300 feet tall.

We still have a crap load of paperwork to do before going to Belize, but we have a little bit of time to do it. We also have to get rid of almost all of our stuff, some of it has value and will probably go on ebay, the rest will probably go to either our friends or the local thrift store. My dad makes really nice furniture out of wood which means we have a really nice leather chair like the ones seen in men's smoking clubs (on the movies) and a really nice three drawer dresser that is super bomber, it would be nice to get em back after we come back from Belize, but I'm not to sure if we will have a vehicle to move furniture from Logan to Tucson in two years, so I guess I would rather just find a good home for them, one where they won't get overly abused but will see some use. I have some friends that say they will take my tools for me while we are gone, I'm not too sure if we will actually get to come back for them like I said, but I would rather give stuff to good friends than sell it for less than it is worth. I'm planning to take some climbing gear with us, not sure what, but I'll probably sell my cams on Ebay because people pay rediculous prices on there, higher than any of my bum friends will pay. We also have to find a home for our two cats, otherwise I'll have to put them down.


April said...

Awww...I miss you, babe.

Hoffmanns said...

I miss you too.