Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More BS

So April called her dr. for a new appointment and couldn't get one till friday so she went to a different dr. Her former dr. claims that there was no way he could know that he was supposed to do a certain thing on her paperwork, the Peace Corps says every good dr. should automatically know to fill out the paperwork 'properly.' I don't know who to believe but supposedly the new dr. did it correctly, so it will be another week before Peace Corps gets the results, and probably another week before we hear anything. Our initial assignment like letter we received last summer said we should know by May 21, so they definately have time before that happens.

I have just one more final before graduating, I should be studying but I have a head cold so I can only type gibberish on this silly blog.

I had a phone interview with an environmental engineering firm located in Tucson yesterday, it sounds like a good company to work for, and I would almost rather do that instead of un-patiently waiting for good or bad news. I'm sure once we actually get whereever we get to we will be happy, but right now I can only be negative.

Also thanks Josh, from joshnjesse's at right, I just found out that you can watch any arrested development from your computer, watch it so you can figure out why my friends call me buster.


Josh said...

man, is Hulu not the coolest?? they filled a much needed gap of legal online shows (the networks just weren't cuttin' it on their own).

i look forward to meeting you guys too. hope you get all your medical stuff cleared up soon!

Patrick said...

I think you should title all of your blogs with Arrested Development quotes. Erin might disagree with your superiority of Arrested over Office comment. Then again she has been watching seasons one and three of Arrested like is is her job.

Keep up the faith with PC as they will eventually get things done. The sad note is, bureaucracy is a central theme in PC and it will haunt you throughout your service. Things do get done, but it seems to take forever. On the bright side, there is a high probability you will soon be living on a tropical island with lots of spare time for things like rock climbing. Good Luck

Hoffmanns said...

Sounds like you guys could use a weekend trip to Massacre......